Monday, June 21, 2010

On the road again...

On the road again.... Tomorrow kicks off my Summer trade show season and it doesn't really stop until end of August. I love being in trade show mode and being able to see all of the old retail friends and new. It's great to get feedback straight from the source. So important to ask your customers about the good, bad and the ugly while also creating long lasting relationships.

Seeing my manufacturer friends is also one of the perks. I love networking and finding out from my peers the 411 on their businesses. It's such a great way to get the whole picture.
During a 4 day trade show I can find out all I need to know about what our business will look like for the next 6 months. It's a great exchange from all kinds of people that I respect in the business. My retailers are so knowledgeable and their expertise is critical to the next round of product we might bring into market for 2011.

This upcoming trip is taking me to Chicago and I'm really looking forward to running along the lake and through their urban jungle. It'll be great weather and great food along the way. Thanks again for reading!

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