Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chasing the dollar

Today while having a coffee meet up I was reminded about how back in the day I felt as if I had to chase the dollar vs. the dollar chasing me. For as long as I can remember making money was always really important to me. Sure it helped me pay my bills - so that I could drive a car, use a phone, watch cable... but what it really gave me was choices. That's when the light went off! After starting my own company in 2007, I came to a quick understanding that if you found a niche within an industry you were already emerged in, people would pay you money to help them grow. It was easy to understand. The question that I asked myself was, "Could I really get paid what I'm worth?" That was not as easy to to comprehend. My brain and possibly my self esteem were telling me otherwise. It wasn't until other professionals listed out all the points of differences that I had to offer did it start to seep in.

In racing you can get money to win. It's called Prize Money and there are lots of Professional Athletes who make a great living at doing what they love and what they are talented at. God bless them! I admire each of them and a few I call friends. Can you imagine as an amateur runner if I were to actually be chasing the prize money? What a laugh! 1. It's totally out of my realm due to my novice running career so far and 2. I would be setting myself up to fail.

That is why I say "keep it simple." Do what you know and play to your strengths. You'll be so much more successful in life if you follow that rule. Also, combining what you love and your work will also be profitable beyond your wildest dreams when you stop thinking about that next paycheck and think about your mission and what your purpose is. Trust me - everything will follow after that. The dollar will begin to chase you...and believe me, that is way more fun!

As for running - chasing a finish is more my speed. Thanks for reading! Make it a great week!


  1. Flamer, thank you for the good read! As always, you are an inspiration. Thank you for helping me with my own business and passion. Zumba Boot Camp starts May 4th...YEAH!

  2. Serina,

    That is awesome! So excited for you! Keep it up girl!
