Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1

I can't believe June is already here and I've been working a lot. So
much great stuff is on the horizon as usual, otherwise I wouldn't even bother doing this. Life is full of amazing rewards daily if you know where to look. Last month I got to work with an amazing new rep and travel a bit. Going to San Francisco was such a treat. As you can see by the photo I took - it was a beautiful day out. What an incredible city. Great food and a fabulous visit with my friends who are staples for me in this industry we call GIFT. Robin from Red Boot Consulting and Viv, from Viv & Ingrid. They have amazing women's accessories and have just opened up their first store in Berkley. If you are near by check it out.

Being in San Francisco this go round I got to see a friend I haven't seen in many, many moons. We've been friends for over 20 years. Jill has a great blog - check it out.

All in all, loving that it's June 1st. and a NEW month of the 30-Day Challenge has started. Check it out on FB if you need a little daily motivation to achieve those personal goals you've been needing to hit. I for one am back at it hard core and taking advantage of the long holiday weekend to continue to make myself better and more prepared - I cleaned my office, the pantry and the house. It was a spring cleaning happy fest here.

I find that I am more successful professionally and personally when all things are in order. Sure, I leave my laundry for a day or so, but the nuts and bolts to me staying on target is preparedness. How prepared and organized my refrigerator, weekly menu, emails, phone calls, appointments are laid out in front of me - assures that I'll be successful. So take the fresh new day of this fresh new month and get ready to rock and roll smart from the get go!

Have a great week and thanks for reading.

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